Thursday, October 15, 2009

This portfolio guide is like a summary of our program. After reading through this I can know understand all what we have been doing in class like multiple drafting which is like prewriting, editing. I also learn something new while reading this paper. In the first paragraph I could understand or know the main objective of this class, like express our complex idea so that any reader can understand what we are talking about.
I have learned many things. I did know that we where supposed to give two portfolio at the end of this semester which include our draft and our final polish draft with sustained and substantial analysis. Our assessment portfolio is made up of 13-16 full pages. In this 13-16 full page our cover letter is included and must be 2 -3 pages. These mean that our final draft must have between 13-14 full pages. The minimum score to pass this class is 8/16.
Our cover letter has to be identifying by title, we have to demonstrate or show our strength and weaknesses as a writer and process. Also we have to used example from our portfolio to show clarified our claim about our strength and weaknesses as a writer. Apart from that we have to say what we have learned and knowledge of writing, revising and editing process as a writer. We should note that we are not going to be summarizing but we are going to be analyzing.
In this paper we are been told that our cover letter will have a slide different formatted from our final portfolio. Our cover letter is supposed to be 1-inch top, bottom and side margins. Each page should be number and should be formatted like a business letter as follows
Portfolio committee
Humboldt state university
English department
Arcata, CA 95521-8299.
Our portfolio is one of the most important things we are going to be working on this semester. First, we should note that in our portfolio, haft page shall be counted as haft not one. a page with single spacing is counted as two. So our paper should be double space, submission date should be on top left hand Conner of the page and so on.


  1. Nice job reading this carefully, Cedric. You and several of your classmates are just realizing that there are two portfolios due at the end of the semester, one (the Assessment Portfolio) with polished work that goes before a committee of readers, and one (the Working Portfolio) with all your early drafts, pre-writing and post-writing, basically all the work that went into producing each essay. You turn the Working Portfolio in to me.

  2. In the Assessment Portfolio, the cover letter is formatted differently from the essays by being single-spaced instead of double-spaced.
