Monday, October 26, 2009

Chapter 29
This is explaining how to find and evaluated library-base sources. He is explaining how to use database. This part is saying that the library is a best place to use secondary resource. If you need to used database, then you will definitely need to your ID or password, apart from that we need to find the main ides or main word or key word. Reference works are made up of almanac, yearbook, fact books, atlases, Dictionary, biographical reference work and encyclopedias. There are used full for example and verifying facts. So most of the time research start with this. We also have government document but how can we evaluated our resources. First we have to ask our self if the source is accurate or reliable. Next you need to check if the author has experience or not. Also we hv to check the last time it was updated. After this have been done we need to also see if his claim is back up with evidence and try and figure if it is biased or reasoning is logical.

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