Monday, October 26, 2009

In this chapter, he is saying that using the using the web is equivalent for searching database. Subject directory is very important in evaluating our sources. He is asking us to try and be more precise with our key words went we used it in Google or any website. He tell us to avoid using web site ending with .edu, .org, .gov, .ca or uk if they do not list their sources. Also before taking a source that is current we should first check if is from a reliable source, author has experiences and finally evidences and we should not forget to check our evidences in the library. Finally in the last chapter, which is 32, we should note that this is one of the most important aspect that is going to help us through our life and not only in college. There are many way we can be accounted for plagiarism. w
Chapter 29
This is explaining how to find and evaluated library-base sources. He is explaining how to use database. This part is saying that the library is a best place to use secondary resource. If you need to used database, then you will definitely need to your ID or password, apart from that we need to find the main ides or main word or key word. Reference works are made up of almanac, yearbook, fact books, atlases, Dictionary, biographical reference work and encyclopedias. There are used full for example and verifying facts. So most of the time research start with this. We also have government document but how can we evaluated our resources. First we have to ask our self if the source is accurate or reliable. Next you need to check if the author has experience or not. Also we hv to check the last time it was updated. After this have been done we need to also see if his claim is back up with evidence and try and figure if it is biased or reasoning is logical.

Sunday, October 25, 2009

reading quick Access

Chapter 28
In chapter 28, we have been given an introduction about a source. But before we move to the source I ill like us to first look at the search strategy. In this chapter we have been told that a search strategy will make sure we carry our research systematically and easily. We have 3 search strategy expert, chaining and questioning method. In this class we have been using questioning method without knowing. Also we should note that; one of the most important search strategies is to make sure you do not only gather source for you topic, read, analyze your material but first ensure you are on the right track.
You can also join or create your own search strategies if the one listed above do not work with you. After you can move to you source. So after identifies you search strategy you can now start looking for your source. We have to be careful when chosen between secondary and primary sources. Secondary should always be analyze carefully before been used because it we haven`t been given proof or we haven’t examine it yet. In addition we are told that our paper depend on how we make our choice in selecting our sources or identifies what is important, it let us know also that we may go into what is call field research or real life situation to collect our information and if possible we may carry survey but with survey we should note that if one person answer our question, we should not claim something base on that response. As we start working we should start with our bibliography. It explain how to take content notes.

Wednesday, October 21, 2009

" He who joyfully marches to music in rank and file has already earned my contempt he has been given a large brain by mistake, since for him the spinal cord would suffice. this disgrace to civilisation should be done away with at once. herosism at command, senseless brutality,deplorable love-ofocountry stance, how violently i hate all this, how descicable and ignoble war is; i would rather be torn to shreds than be part of so base an action! it is my convition that killing under the cloak of war is nothing but an act of murder

Thursday, October 15, 2009

This portfolio guide is like a summary of our program. After reading through this I can know understand all what we have been doing in class like multiple drafting which is like prewriting, editing. I also learn something new while reading this paper. In the first paragraph I could understand or know the main objective of this class, like express our complex idea so that any reader can understand what we are talking about.
I have learned many things. I did know that we where supposed to give two portfolio at the end of this semester which include our draft and our final polish draft with sustained and substantial analysis. Our assessment portfolio is made up of 13-16 full pages. In this 13-16 full page our cover letter is included and must be 2 -3 pages. These mean that our final draft must have between 13-14 full pages. The minimum score to pass this class is 8/16.
Our cover letter has to be identifying by title, we have to demonstrate or show our strength and weaknesses as a writer and process. Also we have to used example from our portfolio to show clarified our claim about our strength and weaknesses as a writer. Apart from that we have to say what we have learned and knowledge of writing, revising and editing process as a writer. We should note that we are not going to be summarizing but we are going to be analyzing.
In this paper we are been told that our cover letter will have a slide different formatted from our final portfolio. Our cover letter is supposed to be 1-inch top, bottom and side margins. Each page should be number and should be formatted like a business letter as follows
Portfolio committee
Humboldt state university
English department
Arcata, CA 95521-8299.
Our portfolio is one of the most important things we are going to be working on this semester. First, we should note that in our portfolio, haft page shall be counted as haft not one. a page with single spacing is counted as two. So our paper should be double space, submission date should be on top left hand Conner of the page and so on.

Wednesday, October 7, 2009

General apache and simplicity

“General Apache”
This story on general apache is a great story. Dick Harrington nails my mind in his story for about 30 min. As a retire educator he came up with this story to show how, it is sometime difficult for us to espresso our ideal or our mind down by writing. In this his essay he used the pass tense to narrated a story that happened in the pass or to reflect on what he experience in the pass with one of his student. This is a reflective essay which talks about the experience of general apache in Vietnam War. Dick Harrington say in page 13 that “writing about it had made me feel I was forcing myself into one of his nightmare of reality”. When i was reading, It seem as if I was in his nightmare.
Continue with the experience of Dick Harrington, in general apache, we also read how he help the woman write her experience with her alcoholic husband. As write we always have something to write or say from our experience but do not know how to start or where to begin. He had that believe that, the only way to guide this student to learn how to write was to promote them to write on any subject of their own.
William Zinsser, this guy is so good. The first time read this heading I thought it was about a story but after reading the first paragraph, I just had a clear idea of what it was about. He says that the American writing main problem is clutter. In the third paragraph, Zinsser is given us some secret for good writing, which are expose any sentence to its cleanest components, avoid any long words, avoid word that do not have used in a sentence. He also defended his point of clutter in American writing by given example about Franklin D. Roosevelt.
In simplicity, could be a good guide line for general apache to write his experience. This is because in this passage, we can see how Zinsser identifies our main problem and gave us solution how to work on that. If we think well we are going to write well. For him thinking is like writing. When reading ‘general apache and simplicity’ as a reader, the first 30 second was scrutinize by their story or what they have to say.
After reading these two topics I realized that this is a reflection on their experience. Dick reflected on what his experience with one of his student from Vietnam. He explained the plain this guy had due to war. In simplicity, William was also reflecting on what he analyzes in the American writing and how we can avoid it. But apart from that I think it is like an expressive writing.

Friday, September 11, 2009

how we love week end

been a short week but more busy than the other days. i so happy that the weekend has come again but for how long.just some few days and back to school. hope this week end we will have time to relax and have fun but remember not to party to much Monday is just in at the Conner...

Wednesday, September 9, 2009

The two most common elements in the universe are Hydrogen and stupidity. pls can some one tell or explain to how truth is this statement?

learning style

Fotso cedric
English 100A

There are many styles of learning. I will first like to explain what is leaning styles? According to the web site " Styles Explained", learning styles are simply the different approaches or way of learning. We can see that there are distinct ways of learning some things be it in school or real life. There are three types of learning styles. Auditory learners, Visual learners and kinesthetic learners. I could describe my self a kinesthetic learner, due some certain fact, which I am going to illustrate here below.
Apart from kinesthetic learning, I can also said I am a visual learner. In all my life, I have always been used to face-to-face contact or Visual leaning. I found this technique one of the best. When I am standing in front of a tutor, that is my best time i can learn. When a tutor explain or talk i try to visualize what he is talking. Visual leaning can be done using diagram, textbook, video, classroom discussion and hand out while some prefer to indirect contact or auditory method. These auditory methods require the learner to interpret a lecture based on tone of voice, pitch and pauses.
As a learner, i see visual learning as one of the best, since it enable a leaner to clear the dough he or she may have. I can take an example about myself for those who know me very well, I am somebody who makes sure that before the end of a class i understand at least two third of what was thought in that class. In fact what really determine auditory learning styles is my environment, my Goal, how far are my willing to sacrifice, my concentration during leaning, and lastly my impression about the subject. One of the factors that affect or have an impact on the learning styles on my learning styles is my environment. Why I say it? It is because a good environment determines my learning style. My environment depends on the atmosphere of the class, my studying environment and so. As a learner I like to learn in an environment that is not too noisy, too crowded and where I can express my self clearly. A good example that happened to me was during this summer I had the chance to take chemistry at the college. It was very small class of not 28 students, I had the opportunity to express myself, say what I think. But what I found a bite difficult in the university is some of my classes are in huge room of 100 which I can hardly say what you think. Also because they professor can have the chances to know they problems of each individual.
One of the things that have helped me as a learner is my methods of learning or the styles of learning. How do I work best? Is the important question here? What determine how best suite my learning style is the sight, hearing, touché and movement. These are the things that enable me to understand and memories easily. My sight has helped me a lot since I am in Humboldt state university not only in Humboldt but in my life. But how has it really help me? I did not like to highlight or make note in my text book last semester. I found it useless and thought that there was no used highlighting something because I was not sure to read it over, because I believe that reading something over and over make it boring. I had a very bad grade in botany and I wanted to know why went wrong and went to the learning center. When I was consulting I realized that the counselor was always in sighting on which way I am studying. He advised me to try and created additional text, make note on textbook and make use of color if I found it easy to remember. I started using it during summer and I realized that it was one so easily used and it really helps me. I do not like hearing because I found it easily to remember. Movement also helps in learning. When I am learning I like to make movement with my hand because it enable me to memories easily and recall easily.
Learning styles is a learning method that depended on some factors. One of these factors is Felling or impression. Feeling depended on what he or she thing the course is all about. Most student before getting to a class feel discourage because he or she has hear that the course is difficult or because the professor is too hard on student or that course is boring. Some may take it as a challenge while on the other hand while it may discourage some student. I have realized last semester that some student do not perform very well in a class because one f his friends told him that he professor who will be given him lecture suck or he or she like to give homework. I had a friend last semester who was taken a course at in HSU at the middle of the course her professor had an accident asand they where give another professor. She was so curious that she wanted to know what are the technique to get an A in the course so when instead to ask one of her friend who had the opportunity to be in that professor class. Her friend just told her what she her mind that the professor suck, it was not easy to get even a B ion his class and he like to give assignment. When she her these she was reluctant going to class, she was always complaining , she did not make any effort and she finally end up with a C- when she was having a B at the middle of the term. I think our impression determine the style of learning. It is a good impression or a bad impression


A person is never happy except at the price of some ignorance and the happiness of a man in this life does not consist in the absence but in the mastery of his passions and this same happiness arise in the state of peace.
"To be stupid, selfish, and have good health are three requirements for happiness, though if stupidity is lacking, all is lost." can some one explain to me if this is truth.

Tuesday, September 8, 2009


Arcata, CA 95521,,,


Hi, fox

It is with pleasure that I come before you to describe my experience in English. First my name is FOTSO CEDRIC and I am an international student from Cameroon which is in central Africa and it is bilingual. I speak both French and English. I was born in October, 22th 1987. This is my second semester her in Humboldt state university. I am here for a program of 4 years. I have already made eight month in the united state. I come from a very huge family of 8, five boys and eight boys and 3 girls and I am a freshman.

I do like studying and playing. I love playing soccer and volleyball. I am not too fan of football but I do like to watch basketball game. I also like to travelled, going to the beach, and parting with friends and dancing. I love to watch comedy movies.

My major is molecular biology. When I came to Humboldt state I was planning to do medicine or pre-medicine but since there is no pre-medicine, I have to do molecular biology. I by best subjects I like the most are mathematics, Chemistry, Physics and Biology. I do not want to be too negative but I do not like reading. I read once in a wild. Last semester I too English 40.i was very interesting and a lot of fun.

When I arrive last semester it was not that easy, but with that I am taking up. I had some difficulties with my way of expressing myself. People could hardly understand what I was talking about, but know is ok. I can express myself so that others can get me but I still make some mistake. My weakest point in languish is in grammar and vocabulary. I am good in creative ideal and organization. I usually organize my ideal in order but my trouble is my grammar. My best paper in my portfolio last semester was on research “Buddhism” and second on a survey I carry out in and international soccer team in hsu.

I think languish is just a matter of practicing it every day and you will be ok with it because learning a language without practicing it does not have used. I recognize myself as a quick learner so I hope that by the end of this semester I will be able to know all the different ways of writing that you are going to